Thursday, October 11, 2012

Second Grading Period

So what have I learned in my ICT class this second grading period? Well I have learned a lot, a lot of things that I’ve never known before in my ICT class. I learned the parts of a web browser, parts of the page address, levels of domain name and much more. The topic that I will never forget is about HTML tags. This topic or lesson is so amazing and fascinating. In this lesson we used Notepad to enter the tags and the element contents. This topic is so nice, a single mistake might ruin my output or work.
             So what are the problems and challenges that I have encountered? Well the main problem that I had in my mind is how to memorize all the tags that are going to be used. And one more thing is that a single mistake that I may do in following the instructions and proper format of the tags and attributes might destroy and ruin my work or it may not be executed. This is the very hard part of second grading period.
            But how did I address and face these problems and challenges? Well I tried my best to memorize and familiarize myself with the tags and attributes that are needed to know. It’s maybe hard for me to memorize but still in the end I managed to do what it needs to be done.
             Moving on, I will try my best to follow and cope up with my lessons, and I will do my best to pass my projects in time and pass my tests and quizzes. And I will try to make my grades better and higher.


  1. Good job. :) I know you've tried your best. STUDY HARD for this 3rd Grading period. I know you can do it. :)

  2. Congratulations! You managed to overcome your weaknesses. I hope that in the next grading you would still continue what you started. Goodluck!

  3. Wow!! you really did a great job this grading... you almost memorize all the lessons in this grading. Congratulations and Good Luck!! :)

  4. You did a great job! All you need is a little bit of perseverance in order to reach your goals. Keep it up! Good Vibes!

  5. I adore and appreciate your hard work and specialties, especially in terms to your writing skills and to some of your fortes. Just keep the positive attitude and determination you've been exerting for this grading. Have always faith in God and it'll serve your strength for your brighter future. :)
